Cloud-based version control vs. on-site version control

November 23, 2021

Cloud-based version control vs. on-site version control

As software development evolves, so does the need for an efficient and effective version control system. Version control, also known as source control, provides a way of managing changes to code and allows developers to collaborate more effectively.

Traditionally, version control has been done on-site, with servers on the premises. However, cloud-based version control is gaining popularity, with companies like GitHub and Bitbucket leading the way. In this post, we will compare the two types of version control, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of each.

On-site version control

On-site version control has been the norm for many years. Developers typically use a central repository, hosted on a server located on the premises. This server can be accessed by developers on the local network or through a remote connection.



On-site version control is often faster than cloud-based systems. This is because the repository is located on the local network, so the data transfer is faster.


By hosting the repository on-site, developers have complete control over the system. They can install any plugins or add-ons they need and configure the system to suit their specific requirements.



Setting up and maintaining an on-site version control system can be costly. There are hardware and software costs, as well as ongoing maintenance.


On-site version control systems require ongoing maintenance to ensure they are working correctly. This includes things like software updates, backups, and security.

Cloud-based version control

Cloud-based version control has become increasingly popular over the past decade. This type of version control allows developers to store their code in the cloud, either through a third-party service or their own cloud installation.



Cloud-based version control allows developers to access their code from anywhere, at any time. This is especially useful for remote teams and for developers who need to work from home.


Cloud-based version control systems can scale quickly and easily. This is because the infrastructure is hosted in the cloud, which allows for faster deployment of new servers and resources.



Cloud-based version control systems can be expensive, especially for larger teams or companies. They typically charge per user or repository, which can add up quickly.

Data security

Storing code in the cloud raises concerns about data security. Developers need to ensure that the cloud provider has adequate security measures in place to protect their code.


Both on-site and cloud-based version control have their advantages and disadvantages. On-site version control provides better control and faster speeds, but it can be expensive to set up and maintain. Cloud-based version control allows for greater accessibility and scalability, but can be costly and raises concerns about data security.

At the end of the day, the decision between on-site and cloud-based version control will depend on the specific needs of your team or company. We recommend evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of each option and choosing the system that best fits your requirements.


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